We hope that you and your family are safe in these uncertain times. We know that summer plans have had to change, but we remain committed to providing an enriching and engaging summer experience nonetheless. Join Rising Leaders this summer!
Our programming will begin each weekday at 10:30 am eastern time. The first 30 minutes will be devoted to reviewing the previous day’s reading.
Over the following hour, we will introduce a new topic and then transition to an interactive activity.
From 12:00 to 1:30, participants will have time to each lunch independently and complete a few short activities that will be relevant for the afternoon meeting. We will also be available during this break to address individual questions or talk about your plans for the upcoming school year.
From 1:30 to 2:30, we will have a live seminar (with group discussion) on the day’s topic or a guest lecturer.
Each participant will complete a capstone project by the end of the session.
There will also be time set aside throughout the week for community building, fun workshops to brighten your quarantine, and weekly celebrations of all your hard work!
**NOTE: Our sessions will be conducted primarily through Zoom, though we will also make use of other means of communication for interactive activities and readings. If you need assistance accessing online resources we will do our best to help. In the event that NYC social distancing regulations change we will re-evaluate the structure of our programming.**
The World Order
In this session, participants will gain a strong understanding of the international community through a number of in-depth case studies. We will discover how cooperation between nations can address global issues like climate change, nuclear proliferation, and pandemics, and how distrust between nations can exacerbate them. After examining a number of case studies, ranging from the Kyoto and Paris climate accords to the Iran nuclear deal, participants will play the role of a national leader in a mock global conference to address the current pandemic. Along the way, they will hone their debating, research, and diplomatic skills!
Think. Act. Believe
What makes us human? What makes us individuals? What drives our behavior during times of crisis? In this session, participants will discover the different approaches to understanding themselves and others. We will analyze human behavior from biological, psychological, and philosophical perspectives with seminars and workshops on everything from cognitive biases to the conception of the self. The session will end with an individualized capstone project that allows participants to address a contemporary issue using their knowledge of human behavior. Throughout the session, they will learn to engage with their community, be introspective, and develop rhetoric skills!