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Global Awareness & Leadership

This session is divided into two weeks. The first concentrates on building up the skills necessary to participate in Model UN and Moot Court, and the second appies those skills in mock conferences and cases. Issues discussed and debated include colonialism, the ICC, military interventions, and affirmative action among others.


Model UN is an extremely fun, collaborative activity where participants get to roleplay countries or individuals and try to accomplish their agendas. They must do so within the confines of democratic procedure, and therefore need to rely on persuasion and diplomacy to create alliances and realize their goals.


Moot Court focuses on interpreting and applying the law, both domestic and international. Participants roleplay as advocates and defend the rights of actors in fictional cases based on real-world events. The activity places a great deal of emphasis on interpreting exact language and working with others to construct a strong advocacy.


Seminars are held on a weekly basis and investigate issues relevant to our MUN and Moot topics. These seminars will require brief readings in advance, and will include videos, interactive activities, and guest speakers.


After the program, participants will have;

  • An introduction to the popular high school activities of Moot Court and Model United Nations.

    • The ability to argue various positions on issues across the world, as well as the procedural knowledge required to successfully voice these arguments in Moot Court and MUN

    • An understanding of current events and the ability to place areas of dispute into the broader context of competing national interests

  • Exposure to the experience of students across the world by writing back and forth with Vietnamese, Brazilian and Chinese students

  • The ability to apply documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UN Security Council Resolutions to specific scenarios, and determine whether justice is being served. This kind of document analysis is indispensable in school and beyond 

  • Interaction with Guest Speakers well-versed in international issues

  • 4 hours of guided learning of participants’ choice, including prep for standardized tests or other topics of interest, such as history, foreign language, and philosophy

  • A lot of fun!

    • We will go rock climbing, watch films, play field games, and organize large-scale scavenger hunts

    • We will explore the Morningside Heights neighborhood 

For preliminary schedule, click button!
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